Hey everyone!
    Woo hoo!  We finally debut Dr. Satrebleu's giant robot!  Those of you who bought last year's sketchbook would notice the big guy in one of the pages.  And if you do have that sketchbook, you probably know what other surprises are coming up!
    I saw Pacific Rim recently, and I thought it was AWESOME. Of course, thoughts drifted (ahem, see what I did there) to the possibility of a M.O.U.S.E. movie in the future. One can dream, yeah?
    Pilar's working hard to finish the art of the first issue in time for Komikon 2013. It'll be a gorgeous book!  Looking forward to sharing it with all of you!
    Oh, we're in this year's TGT Tournament!  We start off in Bracket 19!  Hit the link on how you can help us make it to the next round!  And of course, do check out the episode that featured us!
    By the way: August 7, 2013 is Callous' 17th Anniversary! I'm opening the site up to guest comics and/or art to help promote other artists and comics!  If you're interested in being featured, click HERE for details!
    Until the next page, friends!